Sunday, September 14, 2008

Parenting Techniques

My classes are pretty much geared to my life as a wife and mother. This is actually hilarious, now that I think about it, because I am IN COLLEGE. I am supposed to be thinking about Keynesian economics or something--astrophysics, I don't know. Today in my social development of children class I read about the history of parenting techniques. As a firm behavior of continuums and the middle road, I'm not necessarily into parenting techniques, but one--in particular--struck me as amazing.

"Pat your fetus and say, 'Pat. I am patting you.'
Stroke your fetus and say, 'Stroke. I am stroking you.'
Gently squeeze your fetus and say, 'Squeeze. I am squeezing you.'"

I can not conceptualize a situation in which the fetus understands these words; however, I am intrigued by feti (sp?) listening to their mothers' voice. I also think it would be pretty awesome to sit in a coffeeshop near a pregnant woman gently squeezing her fetus.

1 comment:

careysue said...

I'm sorry but that is so weird...I agree, I cannot imagine doing that either. Hmmmmmm wait a minute I did that with you!

That being said--maybe that explains it all!!!